Our consolidated reporting transforms the often very complex, multi-faceted, ultra-high net worth portfolios and financial data into clear, concise reports. This comprehensive service enables you to have a one view wealth picture of your extensive portfolios.
Clients and their designated advisors can easily access up-to-date, comprehensive wealth information and generate a wide range of customizable reports through a user-friendly, secure online portal. The robust reporting technology integrates public and private holdings, enabling you to monitor and track assets over time, measure performance – including both time and money-weighted returns – and facilitate the precise management of your family’s wealth.
The Relationship Report
At Arhaum Enterprises(Indian Wealth Management), we recognize that every financial situation is different. Hence, we focus on continuous evaluation, analysis and refinement of your financial strategy. The Relationship Report is both a high-level summary of cliental financial situation and in-depth analysis of cliental holdings for the monthly report.
Features of our consolidated reporting:
- Command your accounts: Continuously track and monitor your accounts and financial activities. And avail all the up-to-date information for your portfolio.
- Convenience: Get a one view analysis report for all of your accounts with their daily account summaries.
- Personalization: Get one customized report for all the accounts you manage with an up to date and personalized spreadsheet of your financial information.
As an investor you can get help from Indian Wealth Management to:
- Get real time portfolio for all investment in MF with return calculation like CAGR/Absolute/XIRR
- Get portfolio report for any period with XIRR
- Get capital gain statement for any financial year
- Get complete dividend statement for their investment
- Get current holding of their investment
- Get transaction statement for any period OR since inception for their investment
- Check their portfolio online anytime anywhere through website
- Make online transaction