We believe that equities is a solid investment option for long term wealth accumulation. Volatility may cause concern for short term but rising share prices can multiply your gains in the long run if your investments are managed by IMMPL. We are empanelled with 31 mutual fund houses and follow systematic and open methods of analysis, evaluation and recommendation of funds.
Here’s a look at how an investment of Rs.10,000 fared over 31 years, across different asset classes – Gold, Silver, PPF and the Sensex.
Valuation Date | Every 10 Years (INR) | |||
Gold | Silver | PPF | Sensex | |
March 31, 1981 | 10,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
March 31, 1991 | 20,754 | 24,479 | 26,270 | 67,514 |
March 31, 2001 | 25,090 | 26,575 | 81,580 | 2,08,324 |
March 31, 2010 | 97,725 | 99,182 | 1,67,840 | 10,13,121 |
March 31, 2011 | 1,21,216 | 2,05,893 | 1,81,267 | 11,24,001 |
CAGR | 8.7% | 10.6% | 10.1% | 17.0% |
(Data source: Alternate Channels Training Services TALIC)